Basic cake mixture

Βασικό μείγμα κέικ 05 mamameli

Basic cake mixture

The basic recipe contains classic ingredients such as:

  • 5-6 eggs
  • 500 g flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 250 g butter (alternatively, 120 g butter and 120 g olive oil)
  • 200 ml milk or yoghurt milk
  • 200 g brown sugar
  • powdered vanillin or seeds from a vanilla stick

Cake is not missing from home, especially during winter months. So once or twice a week I will make cake or small cakes for the children
to take with them at school, that’s for sure. I am going to give you the basic recipe which can make with my eyes closed.


Preheat oven to 160C degrees.

Make sure all our ingredients have the same room temperature.

That is, we have them out of the refrigerator so long that they all have room temperature. The butter will soften (alternatively heat
it up in the microwave for a few seconds).

In the mixer bowl, beat the sugar and butter.

Add the eggs whole.
In a bowl, combine the flour with baking powder and powdered vanilla. (If I use vanilla stick then add the seeds directly to the
mixer in the liquid mixture)

Add some flour to the mixer and then the milk/yoghurt milk.

Let it homogenize and gradually add the remaining flour.

My mixture must be semi-fluid.

Pour it into a floury cake pan or silicone pan.

If I want a simple variation is to add a few tablespoons of jam (in a photo I put strawberry jam). So I give a different taste to the cake.

Bake for an hour (60 minutes) at 160C degrees.

Let it cool and turn the cake pan upside down.

Do not rush because you will regret it. It will be cracked!

Enjoy! Classic homemade glutenfree cake!!

Nutritional information per 100 g
Energy / calories: 393.47 kcal
Proteins: 4.25 g
Carbohydrates: 50.79 g
Fat: 35.37 g


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