Camp and Diabetes – YMCA 2017

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Camp and Diabetes – YMCA 2017

Camp and Diabetes with YMCA in Agios Nikolaos Halkidiki for children with diabetes.

The first time I searched the internet for the words “Diabetes Camp”, the site of XANTH (YMCA) appeared in front of me.

As I do not live in any of the major cities of the country, I had heard about the origins of CYA (Christian Youth Association) and I thought it only existed in Athens. Visited Thessaloniki 3 years ago we passed in front of the XANTH building and that was the first time I came into contact with this union. Later I read a lot (mainly on the Internet and on the site of XANTH), and I talked to many as well as to the staff of the Union itself.

View the site here:

In the early years of my daughter’s diabetes life, it seemed inconceivable at some point to let her take part in such a program. And this, was my own problem as a parent.

Diabetes overwhelm every parent’s life and thought that has a child suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes. Mostly the first years are the hardest for everyone.

As I already have three older children, I have had enough experiences from their campsite life. I knew that this experience was priceless for every child.

I have always been in favor of the camps, since they were well organized, with many activities and I have been convinced that my children were not at all at risk. So, my first three children have been participated early in camp programs.

Many experiences. Even more suspense (mainly from parent’s side). But the children have gained so many benefits as characters and personalities through these truly countless, one-off a kind and certainly very important experiences, for their steps towards independence and personality strengthening. And these reasons made me want to send my youngest daughter to camp even more.

For her, to be able to live this experience. Not to feel ruled out of life and campsite experiences. To feel even stronger as a character and more special as human being. In my personal opinion this two pillars are the ones that are most supported through this
experience. And certainly there are many benefits for both family sides (parents and child).

In the end, little Agapi was hosted this year at XANTH Agiou Nikolaou Halkidikis’ camp for the ten-day program for children with diabetes.

The innovative and first thing for me at this program was the parallel hosting of children with diabetes among healthy children as well as their affiliation in the daily camp’s program.

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Thus, diabetes does not differentiate children with diabetes from the rest. Their life follows the same routine and course as others’.
Just like in our daily life. This affiliation is what i’ve always wanted. For diabetes to affiliate in child’s everyday life without deprive him of anything. Without discourage him from anything. Without stigmatize him at anything.

This year’s camp experience was another proof for my family that this was possible.

Of course, the experienced and renowned doctors, nurses, trainers who have taken care of our children in this camp, have been a catalyst in the process.

Continuous measurements 24 hours a day. Attendance on each activity. Education and guidance. Guardian angels of all children.

And the kids were many!! 45 little souls under the constant supervision and care of a team that proved that where there’s willing everything is possible!

The most important fact was that children with celiac disease have been hosted too. And this requires even more data and procedures.
Meal preparation was made in different plates, covered with plastic wrap during serving and there was a special concern for gluten-free delicacies for them! Another great effort that was crowned with absolute success.

Characteristically, talking to one of the camp’s doctors, she told that every time after this camp “I feel like I’m done after ten days of constant shifts! But I love it and that’s why I do it!”.

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What can anyone say about those people who stayed up late next to our children! For ten days they were living our own anxieties and responsibilities (as parents) for the care and concern of a child with diabetes. They calculated carbohydrates, administered insulin,
made corrections, trained each child in its own insulin dosage system, recorded blood glucose measurements day and night and accompanied children’s’ groups in all their activities.

And the result did credit to them!

Ten days for children in excellent conditions. Children who did not want to part from each other.

My little one could not escape from the children’s hugs of her group. They all pleased to last longer…Leave them a little longer all together in the camp…

They became a big hu. A loving group. Experiences and thoughts were shared. They met a different way of life. Both children that
suffer from diabetes and those who don’t. The one experienced the everyday life and problems of the other. They were huddled-up and slept at the camp’s beach under the stars. They enjoyed the sun and sea of Halkidiki. They played along endless hours. Experiences and views were shared. They laughed, painted, fought and were rewarded, ate together, tired and lying together singing before sleeping.

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This carefree and joyful life, the camp’s unique experience were the things I wanted for my child to taste. A child with diabetes that does not differ from anyone else. Maybe “they are sweeter and special children”, as a young friend told me when I asked her how were her days in a three children with diabetes group.

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The only discrepancy – for me – in all this camp’s melody in XANTH, was the fact that children are not allowed to talk with their parents on daily basis. I understand the big responsibility on their behalf but I don’t fully agree. I endured it because it was not my first experience with camp life (and not my first child). But I can not agree with the fact that children are totally excluded from their possible communication with their home. At least, let it be possible and limited (either time or calendar) or specific. A communication exclusion like this, it certainly facilitate camp life, which is extremely rich in activities and limited in time, but creates special conditions for parents and children.

Overall, parents and friends have prevented me, from the start, from this decision for my little daughter to follow this experience.
But once again everything went extremely well. Camp’s gift is a gift for life which every child should have.

On behalf of me and my family, a big thank you to all the people of XANTH who are still trying to support such distinct efforts and a much bigger BRAVO and thank you to the excellent team that has accompanied this life experience for children with diabetes and celiac disease, led by Ms.Papagianni Maria and Ms.Tsiroukidou Kiki.

Congratulations and we look forward to next year!!


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